All your games are streamed to a liveReplay server, allowing others to watch without impacting your bandwidth.
You can access ongoing games under the "Live Replay" tab within the "Replays" section.
Alternatively, if a friend is hosting a game, they automatically share a blue link in the main chat. Simply click the link to launch the liveReplay.
LiveReplays remain active as long as someone is watching. Even after a game ends, you can still view it.
If you lack the map required for viewing, you'll be redirected to the main menu. Download the map (map name provided in the link) from the Map & Mod Vault and click the liveReplay link again.
There's a 300-second (5-minute) delay between the actual game and the liveReplay, making cheating difficult.
Only the host initially shares the link, but all players send replays to the liveReplay server. Double-click any player's sword icon still in the game or navigate to the liveReplay tab to access it.
A desynced liveReplay doesn't indicate a desynced game.
Possible causes include missing required mods or engine bugs triggered when players leave the game, which cannot be fixed.
Your replays are stored in your FAF Forged Alliance directory, typically C:\ProgramData\Faforever\replays\
Access and manage your replays directly from the FAF client under the Replays tab.
Ensure the FAF client executable, not the game executable, is associated with replay files. This setup allows direct opening of FAF replay files from their directory.