FAForever/faf-linux provides a set of scripts to automate the installation of FAF on Linux. Please follow the instructions here.
It is recommended to use this over manual installation. The scripts set up a reproducible environment, allowing much easier troubleshooting.
Warning: The following guide is outdated. If you experience issues, please try installation with faf-linux.
This guide is created with Ubuntu users in mind. However, with minor modifications, the instructions can be used for other distros. If you run into any undocumented issues or have any questions please join us on the FAF discord in #linux-support.
Download the latest stable version of the client from GitHub.
curl -L -O https://github.com/FAForever/downlords-faf-client/releases/download/v2022.4.1/faf_unix_2022_4_1.tar.gz>
Extract it to a folder
mkdir -p ~/faf
tar -xf faf_unix_2022_4_1.tar.gz -C ~/faf/
Try to run the client
Note the minimum required JVM version in the error message. This may be different depending on the client version you are installing.
No suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system.
The version of the JVM must be at least 17.
Please define INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM.
Install a compatible Java Runtime Environment. If needed you can download and manually install a compatible version from Adoptium
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre
Create a desktop run file:
vim ~/.local/share/applications/faf-client.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=bash -c "cd ~/faf/faf-client-2022.4.1; INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64 ./faf-client"
Comment=Forged Alliance Forever Client
Search for "FAF" in the applications menu, you should be able to run the client from there.
(sudo apt install Steam
to install if needed)
Start by enabling SteamPlay in the Steam settings. Reboot Steam for the changes to take effect. The option is found at Steam -> Settings -> Steam Play -> under Advanced -> "Enable Steam Play for all other titles"
Install Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
Set the following launch options to the steam settings for Forged Alliance under `Properties -> Set Launch Options:
Install protontricks
sudo apt install protontricks
Then install the libraries
protontricks 9420 dlls d3dx9 xact
This Creates the run script used in the next step.
cp /tmp/proton_$USER/run ~/faf/
/home/<your_username>/faf/run "%s"
curl -L -O http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/bin/dgVoodoo2_79_1.zip
unzip dgVoodoo2_79_1.zip
Move to FAF bin
cp dgVoodoo2_79_1/MS/x64/D3D9.dll /home/$USER/.faforever/bin/
Optional: Remove the DGVoodoo watermark
wine /home/$USER/Downloads/dgVoodoo2_79_1/dgVoodooCpl.exe
After the GUI opens, set the Running Instance to your faf bin
Next, select the DirectX tab and uncheck the dgVoodoo Watermark
If you would like to be able to run the game from Steam directly you must also copy the D3D9.dll
into your Steam bin directory. If you chose not to, running the game from Steam will continue to crash due to the lack of the dll.
launch option to your command line executable. If you have Fsync in your launch options you do not need this. It should look like this:/home/<your_username>/faf/run "%s" /nomovie
to your steam launch options, rerun FA from Steam, and then recopy your run script. This is not recommended as some have reported this causing the game to not display any graphics. If you have /nomovies in your executable you do not need this. Your launch options would look like this:WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d9=n" PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS=1 %command%
package and run ProtonGE through AUR package proton-ge-custom-bin
or with the instructions below.